C is for Cabbage and Caterpillars
After my post on A where I explored the use of shrivelled apples in my fridge in this time of lockdown, I thought you might like to see one of my other creative recipes. So basically, last week when I was looking desperately in the fridge to see what concoction I could manufacture from the […]
April A to Z : B is for Baloney and Bog Rolls.
I had a look back at my previous B posts for the A to Z and saw that I’d come with Bullshit (a personal favourite) Brighton Cock (a spin on Brighton Rock, the novel by Grahame Greene), Balls and Breasts and Balderdash. An eclectic choice, I feel. So, to live up to my previous posts […]
A is for Arseholes and Apples.
So, here I am on April Fool’s Day back here on my blog unprepared, as ever, to participate in the A to Z. I have zero ideas what I am going to write about so as usual this is where I say to myself: Oh crap, why did you commit to this? You arsehole, Turley. […]
A Word Of Not So Serious Warning
On April 1st, which is April Fool’s Day here in the UK, this blog reopens for business as I rejoin the virtual world in the April A to Z blogging challenge. So whilst you are in lockdown, gnashing your teeth on the last of your dried cream crackers and wiping your arse on the pages […]
2019 update.
I was clearing down some of my emails this morning while I was looking for a particular email and came across a number of emails dating back to my early blogging days. It brought me back here to my blog and remembering the immense fun I used to have blogging and reading blogs from all […]
Poetry Time
IF If is a crazy word Or an unhealthy turd If only I had done this Or that Thrown away the key And just been me If only I had said no And fought my foe If only I had done this Or that Instead I stuck it out And now I want to shout […]
Me and Brexit
So there are enough people coming back here to prompt me to crawl from under my bed to write to a post and thank you all for taking the time to visit my somewhat stagnant blog. So, I am still alive. I have a slightly bigger arse than I had a year ago due to […]
Well, I didn’t quite make it to the end of the A to Z. It was probably an ask too much given the complexities of my life at present. So, to give an update on my present situation, I am working in a temporary job for an Italian firm. I have very nice boss and […]
S is for Selebrate
Okay C is for celebrate but given this is the last day in my present job which has been a nightmare from day one I think I can take a grammatical liberty. I am overjoyed to be leaving. The last three weeks where I have stuck a smile on my face and pretended I no […]
R is for Rollercoaster
I am currently on a rollercoaster of emotions. On the whole, I believe I have coped admirably well give the unenviable situation I was left in 20 months ago. There have been times of utter despair though. No doubt about that. Currently, I am working out my notice for my present job. Work has been […]